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Hey! I'm Bill.

The TRUTH will set you FREE!

I am an enthusiastic outdoorsman, husband, and father of five, born in Texas and raised around the world as a third-culture kid. Having studied world-religions throughout my life, I have come to know there is a truth which is absolute, and it is knowable.  

my prayer is that I will be the witness to this truth that God has purposed me to be

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Master's Degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, a lifetime of global travel, living alongside people of many of the world's religious faiths - Hindu, Buddhist, Daoist, Muslims, Christian, and others.  Recently ordained Elder of Chappell Hill Bible Fellowship Church in Chappell Hill, Texas. 


Bill's Credentials & Experience

Knowable TRUTH is a non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to offering evidence for the truthfulness of the Bible, studying and teaching others to understand its meaning, and apply it to our collective lives.

How it started

Initiated in 2020, Knowable Truth is the product of a lifetime of curiosity, seeking the
answers to humankind’s most daunting questions:

1. What is the origin of humankind?
2. What is the meaning and purpose of our lives?
3. Is there a certain morality by which we should live, and where does it come from?
4. What is our destiny when we get to the end of this life?


Not all of us feel an intrinsic need to seek the answers to these questions, but some of us will. Perhaps you will! If you do, KnowableTruth is a good place to start. These questions have plagued us since the dawn of human intellect. Down through the millennia, many of the writings of the major world religions and philosophies offer a glimpse into the answers, but only a glimpse. And then, often times only to a subset of the questions while leaving others completely devoid of any answer at all. The Bible offers a very simple, yet comprehensive response to each of these questions. Each is correspondingly true and they are cohesive when considered in their totality. Most of them are historically verifiable. KnowableTruth is dedicated to offering evidences for the truthfulness of Scripture, helping you learn it’s profound meaning, and then applying it in our collective lives.   The Bible is a purposeful expression of God’s love, and His redemptive plan for any who come to Him - on that will demand your response. Your chosen response will impact the course of your life in unimaginably amazing ways.

About the journey...

I am an enthusiastic outdoorsman, husband, and father of five, born in Texas and raised around the world as a third-culture kid. Having studied world-religions throughout my life, I have come to know there is a truth which is absolute, and it is knowable.  The very rocks cry out to its existence.

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Bills Testimony

          Bill came to faith at 8 years of age and was baptized in a tiny Baptist church in small prairie town of Towanda, Kansas.  Shortly thereafter, his family moved overseas until his senior year of high school when they returned to Houston.  The first years overseas were spent in Argentina and Peru, where he became functionally native in Spanish.  The Junior High School and High School stage of Bill’s life was spent in Indonesia, after which he returned to the US and attended Texas A&M University (Whoop!).  He graduated from A&M with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1985 and began a career that would soon take him back overseas for another 12 years.  First, to Venezuela where he met his wife of thirty years, Angelica.  Then, with their children their family moved to Hong Kong and Singapore.  The Rigsby family relocated from Singapore to Brenham in 2005 when Bill started to experience the undeniable pull of the Holy Spirit in a different direction.  After years of reading the primary texts of the world’s major religions during his travels, he was led to realize that only one, the Bible, is complete in its truth – and it changed his life.  It was at this point in 2004 that he says he stopped living the Christian faith he was born into and actively claimed it as his own.  He then divested himself of all business interests and enrolled in seminary to learn more.  Now a master’s-level graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary since 2019, Bill is dedicated to ministry for God’s Kingdom.

                Bill has a heart for people and tries to embody the teaching of Galatians 6:2 of bearing our brother’s burdens.  He doesn’t know a stranger, and has a heart for helping others in need, especially those responding to the call that our Father places on us.  Through Christian apologetics and Bible exposition, he feels called to disciple others in God’s truth.  Angelica is a fitness instructor in Brenham and the five adult Rigsby kids are Danielle, Kristofer, David, Michelle and Christina all of whom are established in life on their own.  Danielle, Michelle and Christina, graduated from A&M, Kris from Baylor and David has a thriving farrier business here in Washington County.   Bill’s testimony is a clear manifestation of the movement of the Holy Spirit in his life.

God is my potter and I am the clay

Become a Partner.
Share the Mission.
Be the Great Commission.

If you feel led to help share the love of Christ with the world in practical, tangible ways that impact people's lives, come join us!  Be the witness that God has purposed you to be.  Become a partner with KnowableTruth and proclaim His glory to the ends of the earth!



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All electronic donations via Paypal, Venmo, Cashapp or Zelle go directly to the account of Knowable Truth.


Checks can be made to Knowable Truth and sent directly to Brenham Nat'l Bank 2211 S Day Street, Brenham, TX  77833, Attn Donna Griffin or T. Dipple. 


Wire transfers directly to Knowable Truth may be arranged.  Please call 713.882.2582 


Bill Rigsby 713-882-2582 Knowable Truth


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