I arrived in May and have been busy repackaging food from Samaritan's Purse and delivering it to the front lines with my team and our vans.

Just this morning, the Russians bombed the dam in north of Kherson. The ecocide is unimanigible! Not only are people's lives destroyed, but the animals, livestock, and farms as well. The water supply is cut off to the largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine. The water supply downstream on the Dnipro River is also at risk. Over 100 mine fields are washed away and are setting off in the flood waters, adding to the risk of life.

This morning, we purchased 2 Zodiac boats with motors and are heading to the site to aid with evacuations. This purchase, along with the ropes and life jackets, cost $5,000.

If you can help in ANY WAY, please visit our website to donate.
We will keep you posted on our Facebook page (Ukraine Knowable Truth) and our Instagram page (ukraineknowabletruth). Please LIKE both to get our updates. God bless you and thank you for supporting us in prayer and donations, as we are BOOTS ON THE GROUND.