One of the most meaningful, long-term projects we have at this moment is the development of a Children's Center at SkyDoor Church in the southeastern city of Dnipro. Many fatherless children need help in this region. Perhaps, they have lost their fathers, or perhaps their fathers are just unavailable to them at this difficult time. Either way, these kids need good men to come alongside them to stand in the gap of the missing dads. The men of SkyDoor Church and their surrounding community are willing to step into this role. The Children's Center is a multi-level place where kids can come regularly, during the week as well as on weekends, to have godly men help them with their homework, socialize with them, or simply to play as a dad would do with his own kids. There are multiple ecosystems within this Children's Center - quiet places to study and/or nap, social areas for chatting and playing quietly, and a playscape area where little kids can do what they do best! Following are some artistic renderings of the space to offer a clear visual of the project. These look like photographs, but they are not. They are only high-quality, well-thought-out renderings of the space.
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