I am now in the hotel in Krakow, safe n sound with a white 9-person van. Tomorrow I will put a large red cross on the roof and each side. Clearly identifiable from the ground and air as a humanitarian vehicle. Tomorrow at 11AM I am meeting a group of sister churches, some Ukrainian and some Polish, who need help moving medical supplies eastward. So, we are going to meet, talk, pray, load a couple of vans and get ready to move east on Thursday.
God has already plowed a lot of ground in front of me with contacts now in two cities in Poland and 3-4 in Ukraine that are enthusiastically needing help. One lady here in Krakow is buying medical supplies wholesale online, especially for maternity care, shipping them to the church. From there, we load them up and go. Sounds like we may have 7-10days of trips in the works. THAT is what we are going to huddle up on here in about 12 hrs.