Checking in with some local people in the know, we both unwittingly had prepared a similar gift for each other. These gifts are likely to be among the most meaningful gifts either of us has ever received. His gift to me - a red and black flag of the Pravyi Sektor. This is the flag under which many of the brave men at the Azovstal Steel Mill in Mariupol fought. Ukraines modern-day Alamo that you can read about in an earlier post, was the last stand for freedom by many of those men. My gift to him - a US flag that hung in our homeschool center in which the Rigsby clan in their Jr High School days, explored the origins of freedom and the interconnection between many freedom movements across Europe, North America and Latin America throughout the last 500 years.
Two symbols of freedom - a concept that many of us are uncompromingly unwilling to relinquish.