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Munchies in Mochyn

Updated: Jul 24, 2022

We had a phenomenal outreach event yesterday in the village of Mochyn, just west of Kyiv. This was a small village of perhaps 500 people before atrocities began that is attempting to rebuild itself. Something less than 200 people have returned. This is one of the villages about 30km from Kyiv that we supported with generators, food, clothing, and supplies back in March and April. As their community regrows, so does its need for housing and food. Electricity and gas have been restored, but the need for housing is obvious and overwhelming. As people come back, there is scant shelter to come back to. Over 80% of all structures in this village are destroyed.

I joined a group of guys who independently had also set their sights on helping Mochyn. Yesterday they had planned a Saturday outreach here, something they intend to do every Saturday, and we did it Texas style.

Grilled burgers were a hit, and the singing of some translated worship songs with an amazing worship team leader by the name of 'Dima' was enthusiastic. Somebody produced a cotton candy machine from out of nowhere, making the day as festive as a county fair! What a spot of hope, and light and joy for us all!

Recovering charcoal from a hole to start our BBQ fire. Why is charcoal in this hole, anyway?!

Perhaps the light rays over our feast table offer divine endorsement! These rays could not be seen with the naked eye as I took the picture!

This young man, Zhenia, offers me far too much credit, but hear the words of gratitude for all your support. He speaks on behalf of all present. It takes a small cohort of like-minded people to bring en event like this to life, and with your help, we intend to do it every Saturday here.

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