I have been under the weather these last few days but finally coming out of it and feeling much better. One of the first orders of business was to go to Irpin to a rehab facility full of guys who were of critical assistance on my first trip.
These guys are part of a Messianic Church network who simply want to serve God and their fellow man.
On my last trip, these men helped fix and prepare generators for deployment in several villages. Jan and Zhenia were instrumental in helping me deliver much-needed medical supplies in the middle of the night (defying a strictly imposed 10 PM curfew in Kyiv in the process). They stayed with me from midnight to 5 AM at a road block chatting with 10 stifly-armed guards, negotiating really, to allow us to pass, which they finally did. They rode with me for four of the most harrowing days near the end of my last trip across bombed-out bridges, around 'downed-but-still-live' power lines, and into partially collapsed buildings to deliver food and supplies as needed. What a GREAT bunch of guys! These guys will likely be instrumental again in our effort to clean up people's lots and build small provisional houses for them to stay in as they attempt to rebuild their lives.
Our reunion was like a huge homecoming they had prepared for me. Valex the cook in the white T-shirt prepared some of the most amazing dishes one can imagine! It was a pleasant reprieve from the spam and rice they had been eating. Check it out below:
The bread looked fantastic! Not too sure about the stuff inside the bread....glad you are feeling better. Continued prayers.
Amazing group of Messianic believers - sound like David's mighty men.
II Samuel 23:16